Thursday, January 16, 2014

Small Business Promotion

I am all about supporting small businesses. Not long after I learned to crochet and I was crocheting Christmas gifts for family members, my sister-in-law, Meaghan, suggested that I take my creations to the internet and start selling them. So with her wisdom to guide me and her support to encourage me, I launched Nice and Knotty. Meaghan is an inspiration to me so as a thank you to her, I would like to support her in the re-opening of her small business.

Meaghan makes cloth diapers (among other things like cloth wipes and nursing pads) and I adore them! Not only are they better for the environment, they are super cute and comfy for baby. While I don’t have any babies to wear those diapers (yet), I already have a standing future order to have plenty made for them. :)

Meaghan’s business is called Primm n’ Proper Baby and her shop is re-opening on January 20th!

Be sure to check out her shop and stop by and like her facebook page! You can also email her at: or

She recently posted a YouTube video you should also take a peek at!

Nice and Knotty and Primm n’ Proper Baby are collaborating on a hat and diaper set promotion so be sure to stop by either one of our facebook pages on January 20th to check it out!

Friday, December 27, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I know, I know, I've been away forever! But all that's about to change. I decided to share my New Year's resolutions with my readers so that I have people to keep me accountable to my new goals.

First, like so many other people, is to live a healthier lifestyle. That includes exercising regularly, eating better and taking better care of myself in general (taking my vitamins, getting enough sleep, etc.).

Second, another popular resolution, is to be better with money. My husband (that's right, I got married since my last post!) and I have created a budget to follow starting in the new year along with a plan to save money. We are also committing to completing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University courses in our quest for financial freedom!

Third is to start preparing freezer meals. For any of you who may not know what that is, it's cooking meals ahead of time (generally in one day) and freezing them so that you can just pull them out of the freezer and heat up when you're ready to enjoy them. I enjoy cooking and I want to do it more. Since I generally never feel like cooking after a long day at work, I thought freezer meals would be the best route to go: I cook on the weekend and I still get to enjoy homecooked meals during the week.

Thank you to all of you who've stuck it out with me this year. I will do better for you in 2014! Happy New Year!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Chalkboard Spice Rack

Several months ago, my grandmother gave me a spice rack that she had bought a few years back. It is a wooden, revolving rack with glass jars and green lids. The spice names were printed on clear stickers that were stuck on the lids. It's a really nice spice rack...but I knew it could be better.

My kitchen colors are (going to be) red and white so the green lids clashed with my chosen scheme. Plus, half the spices are ones I rarely use and they were all pretty old. I figured I would give my new spice rack a facelift so here's what I did:

I emptied all the jars, peeled off the stickers, and washed and dried each jar and lid. Then I took some black chalkboard paint and carefully painted the outside of each lid and let them dry for several days. I painted on a second coat and let that dry for a few days.

Once the paint had cured on all the lids, I used a liquid chalk marker to write in all the spice names. (I had initially tried using a regular piece of chalk but it chipped the paint and didn't write as neatly as the marker). While the lids dried, I cut several small pieces of masking tape and wrote down the spice's expiration date. I stuck the tape to the bottom of the jar, filled it with the corresponding spice and then added the labeled lid.

I really like the chalkboard lids because all it takes is a damp paper towel to wipe off the name, should I want to switch out a spice to something else!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Crocheting the Day Away

Let me tell you, if you don't already know, planning a wedding is a ton of work! I am so sorry I have been MIA for a few months. It doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of blogging though!

When I have been taking a break from wedding planning, it's been to work on expanding my Nice and Knotty business. I have come up with some new items and I opened up a store on Etsy in April! You can check it out here: NiceandKnottyOnline. I would love to hear what you think! I am hoping to get some more items listed in my shop soon; it is looking a little bare.

Here's a few photos of some of my newest items:

Baby Loafers
 Slouchy Beanie
 Baby Bikini
If you have any ideas for suggestions for new items to make, color combinations or comments in general, please share them!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Double Duty Decor

I have always known that my wedding would be something that my future husband and I would have to pay for on our own. Even as a young girl, when I daydreamed about my big day, I was being practical and frugal. Now that the time as come for me to actually start planning, I am trying to make my wedding elegant yet thrifty. I have scoured the Internet in search of money-saving wedding ideas and one idea I repeatedly came across was to make the wedding favors double as centerpieces. Genius idea? Yes! Easy to come up with? Not so much; at least not for me anyway.
I am not big on flowers and giving flower centerpieces as favors is just not my style. I was leaning towards the idea of candy or some other treat that looks nice on display and could be taken home for later but my fiancĂ© mentioned that he thinks a wedding favor should be something that people can keep to remember the special day and edibles wouldn't allow for that. Hmm, good point, honey. I searched online for more ideas. I found votive candle holders that could be etched with our names and/or the wedding date. I love candles! But I didn't love the idea of giving someone a candle holder with our names on it. Unless those people happen to be our parents, I didn't see that being a good favor. Then I came across these little beauties! 

These are Chalkboard Frosted Glass Tealight Holders from David's Bridal. The plan is to write wedding day-related things on them and then our guests can take them home to erase and reuse as they like. Plus, I won't object to keeping any extras!

Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm Baaaaack!

I'm still here, people! I am so sorry it has been forever since my last post! Life has been a little hectic (in good ways) the last few months. I started a new job, Nice and Knotty has been racking up the custom orders for the chilly months, then the holidays creeped up on me and to top it all off...I got engaged!

Blake's dad and stepmom were visiting from out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday and his dad had suggested we have professional family photos taken. We hired my good friend, Alla of In a Dream Photography, to take our pictures. On Saturday, November 24th, Blake's family and I gathered at Duncan Gardens in Manito Park for our photo shoot. We did various group shots and shots of individual couples. We took pictures in different places around the grounds. Blake and I had done several shots together so when we did one last group of shots, I didn't think it would be anything special. We took a couple silly shots and then Blake asked Alla if we could take one more picture. He positioned me to stand facing Alla and he stood to my left. Awaiting further posing instructions, I just stood there, trying to figure out why he was getting on one knee. I thought to myself, "We can't take a picture with him on one knee! It will look like a proposal photo!". Before I could even open my mouth to ask what he was doing, he pulled out a ring, looked up at me and said those 4 magic words: "Will you marry me?" I said, "Are you serious? Right now? For real?" He responded with a smile, "Yes, right now." I took the ring, said, "Oh my God!", kissed him and then said yes.

Blake knew I always wanted the moment he proposed to come as a surprise. He also knew I would love to have photos of the proposal taking place. It was perfect and a total surprise (as you can probably tell from the look on my face in the photos)! The wedding is set for October 2013 with an exact date to come soon. I plan to keep you all updated on the wedding planning as we go.

All photos in this post are courtesy of In A Dream Photography.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Me & My Hook

I previously shared a few of my latest Pinterest projects with you so now I decided to show you my latest Nice and Knotty items.

First up are these slippers. This is the newest thing I've learned to make and they are already becoming quite popular (I have had several requests from family members asking for a pair for Christmas)!

Next is this adorable girl football hat and just in time for football season! My sister sent me picture of one similar to this and asked if I could make a version of it...yes, why yes I can!
Lastly, aside from hats, this is my most popular item: Earwarmers. These were a popular item last fall and winter and they are returning to the top of my sales list as this year's cold weather season approaches!

I am currently working on a few custom orders and trying out some new hat styles. I'll show them to you in a later post. I'd love any suggestions you have for items you'd like to see, color combinations, embellishments, styles or comments in general!