Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm Baaaaack!

I'm still here, people! I am so sorry it has been forever since my last post! Life has been a little hectic (in good ways) the last few months. I started a new job, Nice and Knotty has been racking up the custom orders for the chilly months, then the holidays creeped up on me and to top it all off...I got engaged!

Blake's dad and stepmom were visiting from out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday and his dad had suggested we have professional family photos taken. We hired my good friend, Alla of In a Dream Photography, to take our pictures. On Saturday, November 24th, Blake's family and I gathered at Duncan Gardens in Manito Park for our photo shoot. We did various group shots and shots of individual couples. We took pictures in different places around the grounds. Blake and I had done several shots together so when we did one last group of shots, I didn't think it would be anything special. We took a couple silly shots and then Blake asked Alla if we could take one more picture. He positioned me to stand facing Alla and he stood to my left. Awaiting further posing instructions, I just stood there, trying to figure out why he was getting on one knee. I thought to myself, "We can't take a picture with him on one knee! It will look like a proposal photo!". Before I could even open my mouth to ask what he was doing, he pulled out a ring, looked up at me and said those 4 magic words: "Will you marry me?" I said, "Are you serious? Right now? For real?" He responded with a smile, "Yes, right now." I took the ring, said, "Oh my God!", kissed him and then said yes.

Blake knew I always wanted the moment he proposed to come as a surprise. He also knew I would love to have photos of the proposal taking place. It was perfect and a total surprise (as you can probably tell from the look on my face in the photos)! The wedding is set for October 2013 with an exact date to come soon. I plan to keep you all updated on the wedding planning as we go.

All photos in this post are courtesy of In A Dream Photography.